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World History Honors

"World History" will survey Asian, European, African an American civilizations from c. 1300 to 1945. Students will examine the development and global impact of growing central authority, the birth of the nation-state, the industrial revolution and the rise of capitalism; discover how political absolutism in Europe gave way to the rise of a democratic ideology forged by the social contract theories of the Enlightenment, tested in the English, American and French Revolutions; the impact of colonialism and its mixed consequences to Africa, Asia and the Americas is examined; and emphasis is also given to developments in the newly industrializing, post-colonial countries, with a final examination of the World Wars and their impact on modern world society. This course will also focus heavily on developing such skills as note-taking, researching, analyzing primary sources, and most of all writing.

Essential Questions for the Course
1. What role should government play in the lives of its citizens politically, socially, and economically?
2. What are the economic, political, and social ramifications of expansion?
3. Who has greater influence on the sovereignty of a nation, the citizenry of the nation or the global community?

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